
Member Briefing: October 25, 2019

Here is a brief weekly update from the RTA business coalition — the voice of the regional business community on transportation.

Outstanding BRT event yesterday – RTA-funded BRT study announced
Yesterday the RTA held a symposium of speakers on bus rapid transit to inform regional transit efforts, in concert with the Greater Durham Chamber of Commerce and The Chamber For a Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro. The business community-led event featured local and national presentations on BRT options. We had more than 100 business, elected, and transportation leaders in attendance at the event; you can download the entire presentation deck and agenda packet.We announced at the conclusion of the event that RTA will be funding a regional BRT study in concert with NCDOT and GoTriangle. Thank you to all of our event sponsors and the entire RTA Leadership Team for making the event possible, and thank you to RTA Leadership Team member Duke University for hosting the event. More to come on the BRT study in future weekly briefings.

GoCary transit service improvements approved by Cary Council
At last night’s Cary Town Council meeting, the council unanimously approved significant improvements to the GoCary transit service network. The changes include a new route 7 that will serve Weston Parkway, Cary’s largest employment center, along with a new peak express route to Holly Springs. The changes will result in significant improvements to overall reliability, efficiency, and coverage area. Kudos to Kelly Blazey, Transit Administrator for the Town, and to the Town staff for very effective outreach over the past nine months, and congratulations to the entire western Wake community who will receive the benefits of their efforts.

I-40 / I-540 studies catalyzed by RTA moving forward
At last week’s annual I-40 Partnership meeting, we received an update from NCDOT about an ongoing, two-pronged study catalyzed by RTA. NCDOT is reviewing portions of I-40 and I-540 for some low-cost operational solutions, including the consideration of ideas from the RTA I-40 task force and Leadership Team. Kudos to NCDOT for initiating and funding the study! You can view the slides here delivered by Chris Werner, Technical Services Director for NCDOT. 

Thank you for your leadership on enhanced regional mobility through your membership in the RTA!

Let’s get moving,


Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

Omnia Gold
Omnia Gold