
RTA Member Briefing: August 23

Celebrating Regional Business Leadership in Beaufort

Earlier this week, business leaders from Wake County and across the Triangle convened in Beaufort to attend the Raleigh Chamber Annual Leadership Conference. These leaders from the City of Raleigh, NC Turnpike Authority, and RDU Airport Authority highlighted several upcoming priorities of importance to the regional business community. Read more in this week’s blog.


RTA Membership Continues to Grow

RTA continues to grow our organization across our 12+ county footprint. A number of smaller companies (25 or fewer employees) are taking advantage of our discounted $300 first year membership rate to join the organization. The only requirement is that they must already be a member of one of our 25+ member chambers of commerce in central, southern, or eastern North Carolina. Please email Jacob Rigg with any company, small or large, that you believe would be an excellent new member of RTA. 

We are pleased to welcome our newest RTA Omnia Gold member, Amgen, who recently upgraded from RTA Sustaining Gold. We are grateful for their support and investment, and we thank Amgen and the Research Triangle Foundation for serving as premier sponsors of our upcoming annual meeting on January 24, 2025. Thank you also to RTA Sustainability and Environment chair Dana Martinez with Amgen and RTA Legislative and Policy chair Scott Levitan with the RTP Foundation for their ongoing guidance to me and to the entire RTA Leadership Team. For the list of RTA members at all levels, as well as information on RTA member benefits, please visit our website.


Have a great weekend, everyone.


Let’s get moving,
Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA executive director

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

Omnia Gold
Omnia Gold