
RTA Member Briefing: August 30

A record weekend at RDU is coming — which means you should simplify your parking

Our friends at Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority are expecting record-breaking number of passengers over the Labor Day weekend. However, you can take a break from stress by simplifying your parking, and RDU has made it easier via the ParkRDU website and their new parking space locator system. Read more in this week’s blog.


RTA On Air

Last week I had the pleasure with talking with Anthony DeHart and Morrisville Councilman Steve Rao during their Friday afternoon radio show on WPTF 680 AM. We covered a few bases associated with transit, toll roads, growth, and our partnership with RDU Airport. If you interested, you can listen to a recording here.


Our host chamber turns 136, and you can join the celebration next week

RTA is a regional program of the Raleigh Chamber, and we have been advancing mobility issues more than 20 years — which means we have been around for barely 15% of the history of our host chamber. You can celebrate the 136th anniversary of the Raleigh Chamber at the chamber’s annual meeting this coming Thursday, September 5th. RTA priorities will be mentioned during the event. Click here to register for the event; please contact our colleague Alea Heath at 919.664.7033 or via email with questions, including potential discounts for smaller firms.


Have a great weekend, everyone.

Let’s get moving,
Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA executive director

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

Omnia Gold
Omnia Gold