
Let’s write another RDU support letter

RTA members and partners,

We have been asking our members to write emails to FAA regarding funding and approvals for a new primary runway at RDU. As we discussed during this week’s 22nd annual Regional Leadership Retreat, the reason we keep asking is because the letters are making a real difference.

RDU president and CEO Mike Landguth announced at the retreat that the letters are working, and that the airport has now received around $100 million in federal funding for the runway and related infrastructure and transportation services at RDU.

The airport also just received environmental approval from the FAA, an essential step to begin construction on the new, longer, relocated primary runway, which is the linchpin of the airport’s Vision 2024 master plan.

However, we still need a substantial amount of federal funding to build the runway and complete the Vision 2040 plan in a timely matter to keep up with regional growth. This means we still need additional letters of support to maximize federal investments in our airport campus, in particular a new 5L-23R runway.

Please use this newly updated starter template to write a letter to support additional federal funding for a relocated primary runway at RDU — whether or not your company has already written one previously. It should take you less than 5 minutes to create and send.

Thank you for helping RDU become the fastest-growing airport in the nation, and let’s keep those support letters coming!

Let’s get moving,

Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director


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