
Member Briefing: May 6, 2022

Here is a brief weekly update from the RTA business coalition – the voice of the regional business community on transportation.

Dedicating Transportation Funds For Transportation Purposes 

This week’s blog reiterates the important point of keeping transportation dollars for transportation projects. This remains one of RTA’s top priorities, as we look to advance potential legislation that would dedicate automotive-related sales tax revenue for highway projects in North Carolina. 

RSVP deadline:  RTA General Membership Meeting

The next RTA General Membership Meeting — to be held on the soon-to-open Interstate 885 connector in Durham — is Tuesday, May 17, (rain date May 19.)  We ask all RTA members who intend to participate in the event to RSVP via this link as soon as possible, ideally by COB Monday, May 9. If you and/or a colleague can attend, please RSVP via this link.

If you recently RSVP’d or missed an email from Jacob with logistical information, please contact him at and he will be able to forward you current logistical information for the event, including arrival and attire information.

Reminder:  RTA federal funding letter writing campaign for new, longer RDU primary runway

RTA’s highest organizational priority continues to be sustainable funding for RDU Airport. Please assist your fellow RTA members in our 2022 focus on securing significant federal funding to replace, relocate, and lengthen RDU’s primary runway. We are seeking letters of support from RTA member companies and every letter makes a difference. Thank you to every RTA member company who has submitted a support letter to the Federal Aviation Administration. Contact me or Jacob with any questions.

Thank you for your ongoing dedication to regional business leadership on mobility.

Let’s get moving,

RTA Executive Director

Click here for prior RTA Member Briefings and RTA Blogs.

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

Omnia Gold
Omnia Gold