
Let’s get moving for transit, Orange County

One decade ago, in 2012, Orange County voters approved a half-cent sales tax, dedicated to local and regional transit improvements in the County. With the discontinuation of a prior light rail project three years ago, there is a need and opportunity to rethink the future of transit mobility in the County.

Fortunately, such an initiative exists right now. The Orange County Transit 2020 plan effort is well underway — and residents, visitors, and everyone who commutes or travels in Orange County can participate. To learn more about the process, please visit

The initiative has progressed enough that there are now specific short- and longer-term projects to consider. To offer your feedback on these and other possible transit enhancements, please click here and respond to the survey before March 4. The survey includes both local and regional projects; my sense is that you will find Q. 14 of the survey of particular interest from a regional perspective.  (If you are a current user of transit in Orange County it will appear as Q. 20.)

RTA offered initial thoughts in the fall, which you can view here. We will plan to follow-up with additional comments during the next few weeks.

We won’t have a successful metropolitan transit system without success in Orange County. I invite you to take the survey if you have a few moments this month.

Thank you for engaging as we work to advance mobility improvements in the western Triangle and throughout our region.

Let’s get moving,


Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director

RTA is the voice of the regional business community on transportation



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