
Member Briefing: July 22, 2021

Here is a brief weekly update from the RTA business coalition – the voice of the regional business community on transportation.

RTA Leadership Tour to South Florida accelerated
After reviewing calendars further — and receiving significant interest in a tour that is still more than 6 months away — we have accelerated the RTA winter 2022 tour to Miami and South Florida by one week, to January 26-28. Our purpose and focus will remain the same, including tours and briefings of commuter rail as well as complementary transit, highway, land use, and other mobility innovations. South Florida is an even larger, fast-growing, 3 county region — we can learn from them, and we will. Registration will likely open in August via the tour webpage — look for more information from Natalie.

Durham Transit Plan — have your say
As the central core county in our region, Durham is the linchpin for many “modal” conversations. Durham County is in the midst of updating its transit plan, and considering three sets of transit options to guide the development of the preferred plan. You can review these example scenarios and provide feedback in this online survey that will be open through August 20. I encourage all RTA members that work, live, or travel through Durham — or have associates who do — to take the survey and share it with your colleagues. 

Low score wins 
The Texas A&M Transportation Institute recently released their annual “Urban Mobility Report” that analyzes travel time and traffic delay in U.S. metro areas. In the new June 2021 edition, the Raleigh-Cary metro ended up ranked as having the lowest traffic congestion in America for any major metropolitan area of over 1 million people. The Durham area is also shown to have experienced comparatively low levels of congestion. While we may need to take  the current year’s study results with a pandemic grain of salt, the fact that we have repeatedly enjoyed low scores from a congestion standpoint gives me confidence that this is more evidence of exceptional metropolitan mobility for our region. Read more in this week’s RTA blog.

Thank you for your commitment to regional business leadership on transportation. Have a great rest of your week and weekend!

Let’s get moving,

Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director

Click here for prior RTA Member Briefings and RTA Blogs.

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

Omnia Gold
Omnia Gold