
Your thoughts on the FAST study

RTA members and partners know that the regional business community supports the rapid implementation of enhanced regional transit in our region.

The “what” is effective, all-day, mobility options across the Triangle, for our colleagues, our associates, and our families. 

The “why” is economic opportunity, equitable prosperity, fiscal responsibility, and environmental sustainability.

Today, we held a 45-minute webinar where we released the preliminary findings of a study we are coordinating with GoTriangle and NCDOT that holds the promise of doing just that.

The Freeway And Street-based Transit (FAST) concept is a scalable, conceptual framework to connect the region by leveraging our roadway network. It would connect the upcoming 5 BRT lines, directly serve the airport, and link to future commuter rail.

Each study partner and our consultant team — VHB, Stantec, and Catalyst Design (all RTA members) — recognizes that the study findings are preliminary and the recommendations are illustrative. While we believe the findings are reasonable, they should be thought of as strategies and projects that we “could” do, not necessarily that we “would” or “should” do.

To that point, we want feedback from the business and broader community on the draft “FAST” concept. A 45 day comment period is now open and ends August 31.

You can download the preliminary study findings presentation via

Comments and feedback can be shared by emailing

Future work on the FAST study will look at ways to capitalize on ongoing and future highway projects to incorporate an example suite of low cost improvements to provide additional transit advantages.

RTA and our study partners are committed to the transformation of our highway network into true multimodal freeways and streets that provide significant and sustainable advantages for public transit buses, along with enhanced access and mobility for all modes of travel.

Let’s get moving,

Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director

RTA is the voice of the regional business community on transportation


Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

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Omnia Gold