
Member Briefing: December 27, 2019

Here is a brief weekly update from the RTA business coalition — the voice of the regional business community on transportation.

2019 was a landmark year 2020 may be our best yet

It has been a remarkable year for transportation in the Triangle in 2019.

Our top priority, accelerating the extension of 540 to I-40, is now under construction, thanks to a groundbreaking settlement between NCDOT and the Southern Environmental Law Center and the decade-long fortitude of a host of partners including the regional business community. As a result, we are only three years away from doubling the mileage of toll 540.

Bus rapid transit also advanced with a successful joint RTA tour to Richmond and northern Virginia, as well as a BRT Opportunity Series event at Duke University — both in concert with our western Triangle founding chambers, the Greater Durham Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber For a Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro.

Last week, we released an RFP on advancing a regional Freeway And Street-based Transit (“FAST”) network with funding partners NCDOT and GoTriangle. The study will define a viable, illustrative regional Freeway And Street-based Transit (FAST) network that would effectively complement, extend, and link the five urban BRT corridors in the Triangle, while providing seamless connections to the proposed commuter rail.

The year has seen many more accomplishments, and we will highlight those, along with a look to 2020 and the future, at our annual meeting on January 17th. It is less than a month away — plan to join your fellow RTA members and partners and register online here.

Thank you for your continued investment in the RTA — we look forward to our strongest year yet for regional business leadership on transportation!

Let’s get moving,


Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

Omnia Gold
Omnia Gold