
RTA Member Briefing: August 9

RSVP for — and potentially request to speak at — our next RTA General Membership Meeting, on Acceleration and Sustainability

On Thursday, October 24th, from 9 am to 10 am – we will have an online-only RTA General Membership and partnership meeting, where we will focus on two key priorities:  1) Our ongoing emphasis on going faster to maximize and leverage transportation funding and minimize risk, and 2) Our continued focus on advancing sustainability and grappling with associated tradeoffs.

Event registration – RSVP here. Multiple people from your firm or organization can attend, and it is included with your membership.

Speaking opportunities – RTA member firms who are engaged in either of the event focus areas described above — around project acceleration and sustainability, whether or not they are directly related to transportation and mobility — are encouraged to send us a note with a topic they would like to potentially present on to the regional business community and our partners at the meeting. First priority will be for our RTA Leadership Team companies. Let me know if you have questions on this opportunity.


More than 200 business leaders and elected officials attended our 2024 brunch

Earlier this week, on Tuesday, August 6th, the Regional Transportation Alliance (RTA) hosted the 2024 RTA Transportation Brunch, bringing together more than 200 members of the regional business community and leaders in transportation and government at the Westin Raleigh-Durham Airport hotel. This event, which also served as the 2024 annual meeting of the I-40 Regional Partnership, centered on the acceleration of multimodal freeways, essential components of our metropolitan Triangle transportation system that keep our employees and businesses moving faster, together.

Thank you to my RTA colleague Jacob Rigg and our Raleigh Chamber colleagues for their excellent work in creating an outstanding summer event for the regional business community. Read more in this week’s blog by my Raleigh Chamber colleague Mary Kubeny.

Let’s get moving,
Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA executive director

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

Omnia Gold
Omnia Gold