
Member Briefing: September 4, 2020

Here is a brief weekly update from the RTA business coalition — the voice of the regional business community on transportation.

Walking and biking across the Triangle today…
Our friends at RTA member Greater Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau have a nice article about a pathway to cross the region. Not surprisingly, it uses the path of the East Coast Greenway to connect Durham to Raleigh, as shown in this map. I have used part but not all of this trail many times; I commend it to your weekday or holiday weekend travels.

…And a more direct Triangle Bikeway tomorrow…
The Capital Area MPO, in concert with fellow RTA Leadership Team member Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO, has launched a study to provide a more direct travel path for non-motorized travel between Raleigh and RTP, extending to south Durham and Chapel Hill by paralleling I-40 and NC 54. The Triangle Bikeway Study is a promising one, and probably long overdue. You can engage in the study right away by taking this survey.

…While linking to a statewide trails network.
NCDOT has initiated a study of great trails across our great state. The future “Great Trails State Plan” will compile existing and new recommendations of trails and paths for each of North Carolina’s 100 counties. A primary goal will be to connect large and small population centers with our vital network of state parks. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of being outdoors and accessing recreation, so this study is occurring at a great time. Even better, there is also a survey for you to participate in.

Thank you to all RTA members for your support; have a great holiday weekend.

Let’s get moving,


Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director

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