Triangle Mobility Action Partnership (Tri-MAP) serves as an ongoing, business-led forum to foster dialogue among elected officials, transportation partners, and the regional business community regarding surface and air transportation activities. The Regional Transportation Alliance business coalition coordinates the periodic (typically 3x /year) Tri-MAP meetings.
Tri-MAP participants representing municipal, county, regional, state, and national partner organizations cooperatively provide updates and insights at each meeting to help increase awareness and understanding of mobility issues and opportunities.
The most recent meeting was held in May 2020; the agenda was shown below. The next meeting has not yet been scheduled.
Most recent Tri-MAP meeting
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m.
NOTE: This special Tri-MAP meeting was held online
Featured update – NCDOT Chief Operating Officer Bobby Lewis
Keynote speaker – Congressman David Price
Brief updates – maximum 3 minutes for each partner organization
Local partners
- City of Raleigh
- City of Durham
- Town of Cary
- Town of Chapel Hill
- Wake County
Regional partners
- GoTriangle
- Capital Area MPO
- Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO
- Triangle J Council of Governments
- RDU Airport Authority
- Research Triangle Foundation of NC
State partners
- NCDOT Division 5
- NC Railroad Company
- NC Turnpike Authority
- NC House
- NC Senate
National partners
- Federal Highway Administration
- US House
- US Senate